I did decorate it slightly, of course, with posters and other decorations I had managed to scavenge, but it wasn’t the same. They refused to refurbish the guest room for me, and I was instead forced to make do with boring, beige walls, an old, metal single bed and a single wooden dresser for my clothes. All of the things like that were either thrown away or became Zoe’s.
#America's got talent so baby pull me closer tv#
They didn’t even give me my bed or my TV or anything. Sports posters were replaced with pictures of ducks and sheep, my bed was replaced with a pink wooden cot and everything else that made my room mine was changed.
#America's got talent so baby pull me closer free#
Any protest I had was quickly silenced and I could only watch as my room, my one free area that I had any say in, was transformed. My parents had decided that Zoe should have her own room, but instead of refurbishing the guest room for her, they kicked me out of my room and gave it to her. There was my room, where I kept all of my stuff, my parents’ room, which was where Zoe had slept in a cot in the corner, and the tiny guest room. We lived in a three-bedroom apartment, just on the outskirts of some big city. When she was one I was kicked out of my room.

If we had kept the dog, she probably would have loved him too. This was when I first started to gain some disdain towards her. Both of my parents had just abandoned my dog, my best friend, in some pound somewhere and they didn’t even bother talking to me. We were worried about Zoe.” Then she went back to feeding Zoe. It was only when I asked about it that my mum just casually said “Oh, we got rid of Rusty. I just came home one day and he wasn’t there. Eventually, as my parents were scared that he would hurt her, they got rid of him. Whenever he was in the same room as Zoe, he just barked like mad at her. It was about a week since Zoe first came home. This kind of disappeared quickly, though. At first I had been annoyed that the baby was going to be a girl as I had wanted a little brother, but I was happy when she eventually did come home. I was excited to finally see my little sister. I must have been seven or eight when she first came home. Her name is Zoe, she has blonde hair, blue eyes and she likes pop music, fashion and other typical teenage girl stuff.